There are a lot of times in this industry where people will tell you not to do something. Whether you asked for constructive criticism or they’ve taken it upon themselves to tell you, it’s hard to swallow. There are many cases where this will change the course of your business for the better, but there are also times where you feel like you’re being told to go against something that really works for you. Just remember, your gut feeling is important, too!

I have a big personality. I’m not a shy person, I love meeting new people and being in social scenarios, and I feel more awkward sitting in silence than I would being talked over. Cracking jokes and sharing stories are easy for me. My grandmother told me just yesterday that they used to get so worried when I was little that I would just walk off and go home with someone else. HA!

My energy level is high in both personal and professional settings. I’ve been told more times than I can count to “tone it down” (mostly by my family, lol). Taking that to heart, I really stepped back and thought about what that meant. It always hurt my feelings a little. It made me feel like something might be wrong with me. I doubted my own personality.

Then, I realized something.

I’m happy just the way I am. My humor makes people laugh which is one of the most beautiful things to witness (in my opinion). I’m emotional, which just puts me that much more in tune with moments when they are happening around me. I’m extroverted, so I’m never standing alone in a corner by myself. I’m easy to talk to, and my friend Erin Waller told me that’s a blessing to introverts as well. I wear my heart on my sleeve and it puts people at ease. My clients LOVE that I want to make them laugh, share with them, and keep them intrigued during their wedding process. This high energy is a weapon. I think it has served me well and embracing it has only helped me attract people and clients who are like me… and they LOVE my jokes. ;)

I encourage you all to look within and focus on the things that make you amazing. No doubt that you are just that! Stop focusing on “flaws,” beating yourself up, comparing your work to others, or changing something about yourself because someone told you to. It might just be the thing that makes you SO wonderful and sets you apart. There are so many clients out there looking for exactly what you have to offer!

“If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sun beams and you will always look lovely.” -Ronald Dahl

– Ash



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  1. Jessica bruce

    April 8th, 2015 at 2:05 pm

    You are so amazing and your high energy is what drives me to you! I feel a greater connection with someone like you who can be you and proud of that! I’m kind of loud and out there!

  2. Monica

    April 22nd, 2015 at 11:16 am

    Love this post and love you just the way you are. It makes you “you” and I couldn’t imagine you any other way.