marylandweddingphotographer_0981I’ve taken a few weeks from blogging. It’s been hard. At first, I felt a lot of stress in thinking that I would fall behind. I worried I would be missing out on something, a new client, or lose the interest of my current readers. I thought often about ending my hiatus early and posting, but everything I put down seemed thrown together and unworthy. It left me questioning my own worth as a photographer, but worse-as a person. Am I this laser focused on business? Am I missing out on my life? The harsh reality was that the answer was, “yes.”

After the first week, I was in Florida for my brother’s wedding. This welcomed a lot of distractions that kept me from feeling like I was letting down the social media world, and also left me feeling great about where my energy was going. My brother and his new bride had an amazing wedding and it gave me such joy to be part of it, to help, and to be present with them in those special moments. On my drive home, I reflected long and hard (21 hours of driving, long!) about how I can make more time for me in 2016. How can I ensure that I don’t go too long without seeing friends and family, that I don’t miss out on my own wedding moments, or find myself stretched thin emotionally as I have this year. For the first time, I felt relief that I had taken this break.

As photographers, we often wear an armor for our emotions. We justify “feeling fine” because we worry it’s unacceptable to struggle. But, if we’re being really honest.. we ALL struggle. We all have hardships, doubt, fears, face changes and adversity, or feel like we’ve fallen short. These feelings of inadequacy and defeat creep in at the worst time.. though I’m not sure there’s ever a good time.. and leave us feeling down and out. It’s easy to fall prey of that during the holidays, but the one thing we can count on is that a new year is just around the corner. In just over a week, we will welcome a new year and a new opportunity to start fresh.

So, I’m back! I’ve got some great holiday material to share this week and we’ve got some awesome things in the works for the new year. Here are just a few things you can expect in the next month:

1. AKP is in the middle of a brand refresh! I’m excited to work with Mariah of Blush & Crew to give the website a new pop for 2016. New features are going to include a travel map, an updated subscriber option, and a new look for the blog!

2. I turn 30 this week! That sounds super crazy to say, but alas-tis true! I hear that your 30’s are the best, so I’m excited to share them with my soon-to-be hubby and our fur babies (who knows, we might just add some human babies into the mix over the next decade..ha!). As for now, check back on Thursday! I’ll be doing a special giveaway to celebrate MY big 3-0. :)

3. Our January retreat is almost a month away! We have over 30 attendees coming from all over WV, OH, and MD to join us for this three day event in Charleston, WV. I can’t wait to share more from this workshop. I’m joining 10 other mentoring photographers to teach and we have a mix of new and old faces that I can’t wait to hug! <3

There is lots more to share, but I’ll leave it at this FOR NOW. Check back, soon. <3

– Ash


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  1. Bethanne

    December 21st, 2015 at 9:35 am

    Love this post, Ashton! It’s so important to take time off and just get refreshed! I am so excited to see what 2016 brings you and AKP! You go girl! <3

  2. Alicia

    December 21st, 2015 at 9:46 am

    I needed these words today. Wrapping up the end of the year has left me feeling all of the feelings about everything. Just a month ago I felt on top of the world and now I am questioning everything. We all need to focus on ourselves more next year. I am so excited to see everything you have in store for 2016! You are killing it, girl!

  3. Wendy

    December 21st, 2015 at 10:25 am

    Oh wow, I hear you loud and clear on this one – after a busy fall season I am feeling the stretched thin too! About to take my own break! And yes, the 30’s are awesome, take it from someone on the second half of my 40’s, lol.

  4. Tabitha stover

    December 21st, 2015 at 12:07 pm

    I appreciate the honesty and realness! I hope you take time for you in 2016 and I can’t wait to see whAt it brings!

  5. Candi

    December 21st, 2015 at 1:01 pm

    Oh I needed to read this! As I’m approaching the slow season I’m so terrified of losing clients if I don’t have something worthy to share! But my heart desperately needs this slow season to recover, love my family and just be me! I’m finding grace for myself as I set some “ground rules” for the upcoming weeks!

  6. Carla Lutz

    December 21st, 2015 at 1:10 pm

    I love that you gave a look into what’s next. I always see recaps and it’s fun to see what exciting changes are in store!

  7. Carly Fuller

    December 22nd, 2015 at 10:44 am

    So much excited news. As a human being you have to give yourself a break! Your boss needs to be nicer to you ;) hehe. Congrats on all the upcoming changes and workshops!