It was the first day of class at Stevenson University. Josh Disney and Lauren Hein made their way to desks in their course for Criminal Justice. Both Freshman, the pair ended up sitting next to one another. This trend continued, and the pair soon went from classmates to friends. They both recall butterflies during this season of their “pre-lationship.”

As Lauren and Josh got to know one another better, neither was sure that the other had feelings. While they both felt they were sending signals, they weren’t getting clear enough responses to move forward. The two remained best friends for what seemed like the longest time. Both lived in fear that saying something would only create awkwardness or threaten their dynamic.

After what Lauren refers to as “many moons,” Josh came clean about his feelings for her. She chose this moment to clearly reciprocate them. This happy moment ended in Josh’s request to kiss Lauren, a precious memory they both hold dear. BOOM! College sweethearts were formed.


Two years had passed. Josh took Lauren to Stevenson one day, which was a normal thing as Josh’s Dad works there. They often take care of the family dog and use the time to walk around campus. It seemed like a normal day, and Lauren thought nothing of it. In retrospect, she’s grateful to Josh’s sister who insisted she change before they left when she spilled spaghetti-o’s down the front of it.

Josh told Lauren his father was running behind, so they set out for a walk with Tuck, the family dog. Josh nervously began shuffling Lauren around while she remained distracted by an excited pup. She asked him what was wrong, and he played off the question by pulling her out of view from the friends and family standing by. Before Lauren could become confused, Josh embraced her with a huge hug, allowing him to turn her away from the group.

Lauren and Josh’s loved ones rushed out the door into position. Josh’s father, Marty, yelled “HEY!” to get Lauren’s attention. Recognizing his voice, she turned. Seeing all of the special people in their life in front of her, Lauren went into shock. Confused, she turned back to Josh who was now bent down on one knee. With an incredibly sweet speech, he asked her to marry him and become “the newest Disney Princess.” Lauren replied with multiple variations of yes as the tears began.


The proposal was not the only surprise Josh had up his sleeve. He planned a surprise engagement party at Camden Yards to celebrate. Everyone knew ahead of time so they were all able to celebrate that day, together! Lauren was shocked yet again when she arrived to all the guests screaming, “surprise.” The entire weekend was a dream. The Orioles won that day, and Josh arranged for all of their friends to stay downtown. Lauren was able to show off her new accessory while hanging out with their favorite people. They all visited the Aquarium, swam, played games, and soaked in all of the happiness the moment had to offer.


  1. Josh didn’t just plan a perfect proposal, he perfected all of the little details. To go along with the ring and Camden Yards engagement party–a personalized baseball that you’ll see below!
  2. Lauren and Josh both love fireworks, which helped them settle on their July weekend wedding date.
  3. The pair love to visit local animal shelters to help in any way possible, even if it’s taking adoptable pups on a long walk.
  4. Josh and Lauren love to raid the $5 movie bin at Walmart. They adore Netflix and “$5 movie” night.
  5. If they could invite a celebrity guest to their wedding, it would be Cal Ripken Jr. That’s Josh’s favorite baseball player, ever, and Lauren says “it’s a win because of how incredibly happy she’d get to see Josh.” How sweet is that?!




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  1. Audrey

    June 1st, 2018 at 2:04 pm

    What a fun couple!!! And the baseball elements, eeek!

  2. Sarah Johnson

    June 1st, 2018 at 2:55 pm

    What a cute engagement session. Love that baseball with the great catch quote. So adorable.

  3. Tasha

    June 1st, 2018 at 3:19 pm

    Do I sense another baseball field wedding coming soon?

  4. Lindsay

    June 1st, 2018 at 3:28 pm

    These two coordinate perfectly together, what a gorgeous session!

  5. Hope Davis

    June 1st, 2018 at 3:42 pm

    What a super cute and fun couple <3 I can see why they chose you. You guys are going to have so much fun together <3

  6. Shannon White

    June 1st, 2018 at 3:53 pm

    Dang it! Their story, the images all make me want to meet these two and hang out. ;-) Love, so much love!

  7. Fran Jorgensen

    June 1st, 2018 at 4:24 pm

    I just love your story and the variety of gorgeous images that you provide your clients with! I love how fun and relaxed these are! perfect day!

  8. Sharron

    June 1st, 2018 at 7:55 pm

    I love their 5 fun facts! And what a special engagement party surprise story! !Beautiful couple!

  9. Katherine

    June 1st, 2018 at 8:58 pm

    Love the ring photo in the Lily! How perfect!

  10. Shelley Horne

    June 1st, 2018 at 9:04 pm

    I have watched Lauren grow from an adorable little girl in my Pre-K class to a beautiful young woman. The same beautiful smile that I saw in my classroom is still on her face. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness as you embark on the new chapter of your life.

    Mrs. Horne

  11. Joanna

    June 1st, 2018 at 10:03 pm

    I loved reading their love story!